Monday, November 5, 2012

The AIM Scare

One night, bored, i logged on to AIM instant messenger, to chat about a fun Halloween party coming up with my friends. We were all bored of one on one conversations so we opened up a fun chat room. Then, someone we didn't know came in to the chat, he seemed nice but seemed kinda off. about an hour later my friends logged off, leaving me and only the stranger. he logged out of the conversation and one on one IMed me, saying hello. I greeted back, and asked what his name was, how old he was, you know, basic conversation. he told me he was older than me, which i found weird..why not give me a number? then he said his name was Ricky. I gave him my name and he said, oh i already know. it startled me, so, intrigued i asked more, i finally got to, where do you live? and he said in your house. that's strange i though...and scary! i blocked him. then, i instantly i hear YOU'VE GOT MAIL, and i open it up to him saying, why would you ex out? do you want to speak personally  i replayed with why he was scaring me? he said why not turn around and ask me to my face? i gasp, and, crying i turn around., but no one wad there! i laughed, and as i turned around to say "very funny  to him, he logged off. then, i heard the phone ring, and he said, why hello there, im coming to say hello personally  i scream and hang up, then call the police. they say if he calls again, to call back and they will trace his call. i hang up, and he calls again, he says hes closer, so i call the police again, they say to stay calm , they are tracking it as they speak. then he calmly tells me to go to my front door, and open it, i do this, then he tells me to run as fast as i can, up the street to the telephone booth, and they have someone meeting me there, i ask why, but he hangs up before i can ask, so, terrified  i run. just as i reach the phone booth  a police officer grabs me, and pulls me to his chest, and pulls out a gun and points out towards where my house was, keeping me safe. i thank him, but asking why he couldn't just come to my house, and as several men run towards my house, with guns and shields, he informs me that the calls....were coming from a cell phone in the closet behind were i sit at the computer.

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