Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Girl In The Closet

There was a girl named Lisa and she was starting out at a new school. Her only friend was Honesty. Honesty was sweet and nice. No one ever suspected anything bad about her... Until one night. Honesty was spending the night at Lisa's house and the evening started out fun. They first ate PB&J sandwiches, watched a movie and had a pillow fight. Then Honesty and Lisa decided to start playing with an Ouija Board. Honesty had brought it in her backpack. Lisa said, "Are you sure it's safe? I've heard bad things about the Ouija Board." Honesty said, "Don't be such a big baby it's perfectly fine!" They started out by asking about their love lives. "Will Mark Sacks ever love me?", the board responded, "No." Aww dang it. "Stupid Board!", then Honesty went silent. "Mind if I use the restroom?", asked Honesty. Lisa said,"Sure! right down the hall to the left." "OK, thanks.", said Honesty. After several minutes Honesty still hadn't returned. Lisa asked "Are there any demons here?" The board responded, "Honesty!" "What?, That's not possible!", she said."Where are they?", asked Lisa. The only thing the board spelled out was "DON'T GO INTO CLOSET!" Lisa was curious so she tried to open the closet door, but it wouldn't budge. Then in a sudden flash, the door flew open. Lisa stepped into the closet and the door slammed shut. A face slowly came out of the corner and screamed, "THE BOARD WARNED YOU!" News Report: Two girls were found dead in a closet. One appeared to have been murdered and the other committed suicide. They are believed to be Lisa Small and Honest Felix. The murderer is still on the loose.

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